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First runthrough based on: https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-install-flask-on-ubuntu-22-04-with-apache-and-wsgi/

Install Apache

sudo systemctl status apache2

Already installed - skipping this section.



Install Python / PIP

$ python --version
$ pip --version

Already installed, skipping this section.

Create Python Virtual Enviroment (Venv) for Flask

$ cd /opt/cryptopunk
$ mkdir -p flask/reddit-oauth2/
$ cd flask/reddit-oauth2/
$ python3 -m venv flask-venv

Install Flask

$ cd /opt/cryptopunk/flask/reddit-oauth2
$ source flask-venv/bin/activate

After sourcing the venv activate script, your pip and python ops will occur within the virtual environment, without wrecking up the system-wide Python environment.

Shell prompt should look like:

(flask-venv) user@host:/opt/cryptopunk/flask/reddit-oauth2$

Configure Apache

Deploy Hello World