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User Graph Traversal

A Critique is a collection of labels plus text attached to something.

A user's graph will consist of:

  • Things U commented on (including the comment).
  • Post, Comment, and Reply critiques.
  • Stuff in their User identity.
  • People they follow? (I assume, not sure)
  • People they've labeled, and the label used.
  • Community critiques.

Reading all your friends graphs and integrating them into a feed is a good service to offer. See aggregator


An aggregator is a system that reads people's feeds, integrates them into an aggregate feed, and publishes that feed.

  • This could be done as a centralized common service, like Reddit.
  • It could be done as a centralized personalized service, like Google Search.
  • It could be done as a decentralized personalized service, like... not sure an example exists yet.

The decentralized personalized aggregators seem most interesting to me, from an immunity primordial ooze standpoint.

The centralized personalized services might be the most interesting from a cashflow perspective.

My aggregator could have to pay various relays to read their feeds. Different feeds could have different prices. Higher popularity ones would appeal to more people. The upper bound on price would be a function of what the individual user is willing to pay. There would be things like Forrester that would cost enough to be prohibitive for garage startups, but most would be within reach.

Even so, lower price or free feeds, like your friends who are self-publishing their blogs and vlogs, would have very low overhead to incorporate - just CPU, network, memory, and storage.

The aggregator could inject paid placements. Should aggregators adopt an ad labeling policy?

Aggregators could charge for access.

Regular copyright on "particular collections of facts" would apply. Catching it might be difficult.

Discussion Graph Traversal

The primary mission for this project is to make it possible for people to share information science actions. To make it easy for them to publicly describe, demonstrate, and encode mechanisms for curating information to resist disinformation and toxic infectious memes.

Graph traversal becomes a super-important element in those mechanisms.

Consider a message m, which is a node in a discussion graph D. There are various cases where I would want to incorporate or avoid that message.


  • Root Nodes m, a vector of all the nodes m that make up the first level of discussion. To be included they would need to satisfy an inclusion criteria.
    • The node itself is desirable.
    • A descendant node is sufficiently interesting that it merits inclusion of this node to anchor the branch.
  • Child Nodes c, a collection of nodes that have a parent, but are not root nodes.
    • Node Itself: The node itself is desirable.
    • Descendant Node: A descendant node is sufficiently interesting that it merits inclusion of this node to anchor the branch.
    • Ancestor Node: An ancestor node becomes worth of inclusion only with this added context.


If I start from a node m and want to decide whether to include its parent branch, under the "ancestor node" rule above, I might consider the following:

If node m is coded with the "supporting data" tag, and the parent node is mildly interesting but a citation is needed, m might justify inclusion of both nodes.

If node m is coded with the "counterpoint" tag, and the parent node is compelling but in need of challenge, m might justify the inclusion of both nodes (and perhaps suggests the inclusion of sibling and niece/nephew nodes).


Taken from Unicode 15.1 Emojis. All Short Names are the official Unicode short name (eg: Slack is wrong about some of these).

  • down/up: โฌ‡โฌ†
    • 1437 U+2B06 โฌ† up arrow
    • 1441 U+2B07 โฌ‡ down arrow
  • 1300 U+1F5F3 ๐Ÿ—ณ ballot box with ballot
  • ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Ž, ๐Ÿ‘/๐Ÿ‘Ž, ๐Ÿ‘Ž/๐Ÿ‘
    • 196 U+1F44D ๐Ÿ‘ thumbs up
    • 197 U+1F44E ๐Ÿ‘Ž thumbs down


  • Inflammatory Summary (could be covered by "Emotionally Charged")
  • Clickbait / Inaccurate Summary (could be combined with "Emotionally Charged" for Inflammatory Summary)
  • Rule Violation (details in "content" field)


Meaning Ordinal Unicode Emoji Short Name Detail Why
Insightful 69 U+1F92F ๐Ÿคฏ exploding head For comments that offer a fresh perspective or deep insight. Mind Blown
Cited Source 962 U+2693 โš“ anchor For comments that provide reputable sources to back their statements. Anchored in Fact
Well-Structured 173 U+1F596 ๐Ÿ–– vulcan salute For arguments that are logically structured and easy to follow. Vulcans are Logical
Open-Ended 544 U+1F5E3 ๐Ÿ—ฃ speaking head For comments that invite further discussion or pose thought-provoking questions. Opens Discussion
Empathetic 547 U+1FAC2 ๐Ÿซ‚ people hugging Recognizing comments that show a deep understanding or empathy towards another viewpoint, even if they don't agree. Hugs are Empathetic
Balanced View 1354 U+2696 โš– balance scale For comments that consider multiple perspectives before drawing a conclusion. Scales are Balanced
Fact-Based 339 U+1F575 ๐Ÿ•ต detective Comments that stick strictly to factual information. Detectives Follow Facts
Constructive Feedback 346 U+1F477 ๐Ÿ‘ท construction worker Positive suggestions or feedback on a particular idea or argument. Constructive / Construction


Meaning Ordinal Unicode Emoji Short Name Detail Why
Fallacy Used 162 U+1F573 ๐Ÿ•ณ hole For comments that employ logical fallacies in their arguments. Hole in Logic
Ad Hominem 345 U+1F977 ๐Ÿฅท ninja For comments that attack a person's character instead of their argument. Character Assassin
Unsubstantiated Claim 1123 U+1F52E ๐Ÿ”ฎ crystal ball Claims made without any credible source or evidence. Seen in a Vision
Anecdotal Evidence 704 U+1F340 ๐Ÿ€ four leaf clover Relying heavily on personal experiences instead of broader evidence. One Clover is Not Data
Emotionally Charged 103 U+1F621 ๐Ÿ˜ก enraged face Comments that seem to be driven by or intended to provoke emotion. Inciting Emotion
Off-Topic 115 U+1F47D ๐Ÿ‘ฝ alien Drifting from the main topic of discussion. Alien to the Topic
Oversimplification 815 U+1F36C ๐Ÿฌ candy Analysis or solution that ignores complexity of the situation. Empty Calories
Shill 72 U+1F978 ๐Ÿฅธ disguised face This poster appears to be someone who consistently pushes a narrative. Lack of Authenticity


Meaning Ordinal Unicode Emoji Short Name Detail Why
Seeking Clarification 1520 U+2753 โ“ red question mark When a user asks for more information or clarity on a point. I Have Questions
Background Info 1267 U+1F4DA ๐Ÿ“š books Providing context or background information relevant to the discussion. Books Provide Info
Experience-Based 255 U+1F9D3 ๐Ÿง“ older person Provides substantial and relevant real-world evidence. Older People are Experienced
Hypothesis 35 U+1F914 ๐Ÿค” thinking face A theory or idea that hasn't been substantiated but adds to the discussion. Pondering
Bot 117 U+1F916 ๐Ÿค– robot This looks like a bot account / post. Robots are Bots

GPT Thoughts on Reactions

Positive Tags

  1. Insightful: For comments that offer a fresh perspective or deep insight.
    1. light bulb, 1257, U+1F4A1, ๐Ÿ’ก
    2. 69, U+1F92F, ๐Ÿคฏ, exploding head
  2. Cited Source: For comments that provide reputable sources to back their statements.
    1. graduation cap, 1188, U+1F393, ๐ŸŽ“
    2. 962, U+2693, โš“, anchor
    3. 1536, U+2714, โœ”, check mark
  3. Well-Structured: For arguments that are logically structured and easy to follow.
    1. 865, U+1F9F1, ๐Ÿงฑ, brick
    2. 864, U+1F3D7, ๐Ÿ—, building construction
    3. 173 U+1F596 ๐Ÿ–– vulcan salute
  4. Open-Ended: For comments that invite further discussion or pose thought-provoking questions.
    1. 544, U+1F5E3, ๐Ÿ—ฃ, speaking head
  5. Empathetic: Recognizing comments that show a deep understanding or empathy towards another viewpoint, even if they don't agree.
    1. 547, U+1FAC2, ๐Ÿซ‚, people hugging
  6. Balanced View: For comments that consider multiple perspectives before drawing a conclusion.
    1. 1354, U+2696, โš–, balance scale
  7. Fact-Based: Comments that stick strictly to factual information.
    1. 339, U+1F575, ๐Ÿ•ต, detective
    2. 220, U+1F9E0, ๐Ÿง , brain
  8. Constructive Feedback: Positive suggestions or feedback on a particular idea or argument.
    1. 346, U+1F477, ๐Ÿ‘ท, construction worker
    2. 961. U+1F6A7, ๐Ÿšง, construction

Negative Tags

  1. Fallacy Used: For comments that employ logical fallacies in their arguments.
    1. 162, U+1F573, ๐Ÿ•ณ, hole
  2. Ad Hominem: For comments that attack a person's character instead of their argument.
    1. 345, U+1F977, ๐Ÿฅท, ninja
  3. Unsubstantiated Claim: Claims made without any credible source or evidence.
    1. 1123, U+1F52E, ๐Ÿ”ฎ, crystal ball
  4. Over-Generalization: Making a broad statement without sufficient evidence.
  5. Anecdotal Evidence: Relying heavily on personal experiences instead of broader evidence.
    1. 581, U+1F984, ๐Ÿฆ„, unicorn
    2. 635, U+1F9A2, ๐Ÿฆข, swan
  6. Emotionally Charged: Comments that seem to be driven more by emotion than reasoned analysis.
    1. 103, U+1F621, ๐Ÿ˜ก, enraged face
  7. Off-Topic: Drifting from the main topic of discussion.
    1. 76, U+1F615, ๐Ÿ˜•, confused face
    2. 953, U+1F6E4, ๐Ÿ›ค, railway track
    3. 115, U+1F47D, ๐Ÿ‘ฝ, alien
  8. Oversimplification: Analysis or solution that ignores complexity of the situation.
    1. 815, U+1F36C, ๐Ÿฌ, candy
  9. Shill:
    1. 72, U+1F978, ๐Ÿฅธ, disguised face

Neutral/Informative Tags

  1. Seeking Clarification: When a user asks for more information or clarity on a point.
    1. 1520, U+2753, โ“, red question mark
  2. Background Info: Providing context or background information relevant to the discussion.
    1. 1267, U+1F4DA, ๐Ÿ“š, books
  3. Experience-Based: Provides substantial and relevant real-world evidence.
    1. 255, U+1F9D3, ๐Ÿง“, older person
    2. 636, U+1F989, ๐Ÿฆ‰, owl
  4. Hypothesis: Proposing a theory or idea that hasn't been substantiated yet but adds to the discussion.
    1. thought balloon, 167, U+1F4AD, ๐Ÿ’ญ
    2. 35, U+1F914, ๐Ÿค”, thinking face
  5. Bot: This looks like a bot account / post.
    1. 117, U+1F916, ๐Ÿค–, robot


  • Guidelines: Provide users with guidelines on how to use the tags appropriately. This can prevent misuse or over-tagging.
  • Feedback Loop: Allow users to see how their comments are tagged by others. This can be a learning tool for them to understand how they can improve their contribution to the discussions.
  • Avoid Gaming: Just like with upvotes/downvotes, there's a potential for users to "game" the system. Implementing a system where only a limited number of tags can be applied per user or per comment might help.