To Do
- Temperature sensor volatility remains a problem, rendering the PID D term unusable.
- Implement a better smoothing function. Consider forward weighted moving average over significantly more than 10 terms.
- Look at the run from 2024-09-03 to find out the period of the high temperature swings.
- Look at the data from 2024-09-04 to find the noisiness at low temperature.
Log Reader
- Parse JSON ovenWatcher lines.
- Plot results in Jupyter notebook.
- Put this stuff on Kanban
- 2024-09-07: simulator v1 working
$ rsync -avz kiln-controller/ pi-kiln:./kiln-controller/ --exclude '*/profiles/*' --exclude '*__pycache__*'
$ pip install adafruit-circuitpython-bitbangio adafruit-circuitpython-max31856 RPi.GPIO
$ rsync -navz ./ pi-kiln:./kiln-minder/ --exclude='venv' --exclude='.git' --exclude='__pycache__'
$ rsync -navz ./kiln-minder/ --exclude '*/profiles/*' --exclude '*__pycache__*' --exclude '*.git*' --exclude '*venv*'
Run 1
- Thermocouple response is very laggy.
- Clock doesn't run when temperature is outside range.
- Laggy thermocouple means temperature overshoots.
- Rate throttle is aggressive, but necessary given laggy thermocouple.
- Temperature reading may be a bit on the low side (actual is 5 - 10f higher), though tough to say because of lag.
EMF Noise
- 44 - 53 degrees at 1832 (started at 44, increased to 53)
- 9.5 degrees at 1100 (a bit fuzzy, lots of pulsing)
- 80% power to maintain 1832