Revision as of 00:04, 12 January 2022 by RobertBushman (talk | contribs) (Created page with "MailingList = DeadmanDAO Mailman Build-out (Sixth Pass) = * MailingListDeadmanFirstPass (Deb 10, Mailman 3: installed Apache and Certbot before Mailman, which made i...")
DeadmanDAO Mailman Build-out (Sixth Pass)
- MailingListDeadmanFirstPass (Deb 10, Mailman 3: installed Apache and Certbot before Mailman, which made it hard to deploy the Mailman web console)
- MailingListDeadmanSecondPass (Deb 10, Mailman 3: had trouble getting the Snap/PIP/VirtualEnv version of Mailman to let me in as an administrator)
- MailingListDeadmanThirdPass Deb 9, Mailman 2, had trouble getting the Mailman executables to execute as cgi's.
- MailingListDeadmanFourthPass: Deb 10, Mailman 2. Repeatedly failed sendmail test (as have/would the others, though I was inconsistently testing)
- MailingListDeadmanFifthPass: Frustrated. Using's install of Mailman. Successful, if unsatisfying.
- Sixth Pass: Deb 10, two instances, more relaxed exploration now that the traxel list is working.
Short Term Solution
Enter the name of the list: crypto Enter the email of the person running the list: Initial crypto password: To finish creating your mailing list, you must edit your /etc/aliases (or equivalent) file by adding the following lines, and possibly running the `newaliases' program: ## crypto mailing list crypto: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post crypto" crypto-admin: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman admin crypto" crypto-bounces: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman bounces crypto" crypto-confirm: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman confirm crypto" crypto-join: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman join crypto" crypto-leave: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman leave crypto" crypto-owner: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman owner crypto" crypto-request: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman request crypto" crypto-subscribe: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe crypto" crypto-unsubscribe: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe crypto" Working
FWIW, sendmail is now working on Diffie, running Deb 10 and Postfix (no Mailman installed). I suspect there is a grace period after re-install during which Sendmail / port 25 is blocked. It may flip at midnight, based on one email I saw come through after having been queued for a while.
I also created a second instance at Interserver yesterday, though it is running Deb 9 and does not have an SPF record - or even a name (presumably it will be "hellman", obviously). I will flip it to Deb 10 and add it to the SPF record.
Potential uses for the deadmandao servers:
- Wiki
- Kanban
- Calendar / ToDo
- Mailman
- Web
- Forum
- Chat