MediaWiki HSL Migration

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Revision as of 23:15, 30 March 2024 by RobertBushman (talk | contribs)
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2024-03-30 Attempt

Fixing Broken Categories

cd /var/www/mediawiki/maintenance/
php update.php # this didn't do it
php rebuildall.php # this worked

Perl Regex for Page Names

perl -ne 'print "$2\n" while m|<a href="[^"]*"( class="mw-redirect")* title="[^"]*">([^<>]*)</|g' < pages-02.html

Perl Regex for File Links

a href="/wiki/File:01mendel-ABS_solid-bed-height-spacer-31m.jpg"
cat files-*.html | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" while m|a href="(File:[^"]*)"|g'

Handling Files

  1. Hit the /wiki/File:... page
  2. grep for "Full resolution"
  3. get the URL from: a href="/w/images/1/1c/zoom-into-rectangle.png" class="internal"
curl '' | grep 'Full resolution' | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" while m|a href="(/w/images/[^"]*)" class="internal"|g'