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Social Punishment

Social punishment in a cypherpunk society would be much more efficient. The ability to programmatically participate in social movements using publicly available algorithms is potent.

It would have a massive impact on influencers, who depend on social network penetration. If I can describe to my computer who I trust and give it some angles on what I trust them for, I can have it incorporate those filters into my inbound datastream.

There is far too much great information out there to consume it all. We all need to curate. Having an algorithmic curator of our inbound information is a critical quality of life issue.

We have them now. They're called Google, Facebook, ClearChannel, and MSNBC. But you don't get much input on what they should focus on.

So you get what they're pushing. It is push media, to a substantial degree, even if it is curated to your taste profile.

That is not what the Internet was built for.