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# stop cron from running jobs while compacting
crontab -r
ps -fU admin
# check to see if any Python or .sh is running, wait till it completes
# generate the parquets
export PYTHONPATH=/home/admin/projects/cypherpunk/cypherpunk_reddit/
python /home/admin/projects/cypherpunk/cypherpunk_reddit/
# backup the archive_link_list
cd /opt/cypherpunk/data/reddit/json
cp -r archive_link_list bak.archive_link_list
# add the new link_list contents
rsync -av link_list/ archive_link_list/
# verify that the new size matches the sum of the old archive and the new link_list
du --max-depth 1
# remove the live link_list jsons
find link_list -type f | xargs rm
# backup the existing compacted dir
cd /opt/cypherpunk/data/reddit/parquet/
cp -r compacted_raw bak.compacted_raw
# move the generated parquets to the compacted dir
find raw -name '*.parquet' | awk '{print "cp "$1" compacted_"$1}' # | sh
# check total size
du --max-depth 1

crontab /home/admin/projects/cypherpunk/cypherpunk_reddit/crontab.l

Data Redundancy

Data Classification

Catalog Format Dataset Classification Notes
Harvest JSON link_list create, delete
Harvest JSON archive_link_list create revise sync calls - do not use delete switch
Harvest JSON discussion create, (delete - only affects 2 most recent months) Restructure the storage, move date to year=2023/month=09
Pipeline Parquet raw/link_list create, delete (2x daily)
Pipeline Parquet dedupe/link_list create, delete (2x daily)
Pipeline Parquet compacted_raw/link_list create, delete (~weekly)


Pull Discussions

This has to be done separately because the remote harvester host will not have the full discussion archive. Remote will have the current and previous month, which can be pulled with --delete.

cd /opt/cypherpunk/data/reddit/json
find discussion -name '2023-09' -type d | awk '{print "rsync -avz --size-only --delete"$1"/ ./"$1"/"}'

Pull All Other JSON

rsync -avz --size-only --delete /opt/cypherpunk/data/reddit/json/link_list/
rsync -avz --size-only /opt/cypherpunk/data/reddit/json/archive_link_list/

S3 Backup

JSON, Daily

time aws s3 sync --size-only --delete /opt/cypherpunk/data/reddit/json/ s3://iterative-chaos/cyphernews/harvest/reddit/json/

Parquet Compacted, Weekly

time aws s3 sync --size-only --delete /opt/cypherpunk/data/reddit/parquet/compacted_raw/ s3://iterative-chaos/cyphernews/harvest/reddit/parquet/compacted_raw/