Revision as of 16:29, 3 December 2021 by RobertBushman (talk | contribs)
Recent alleged incidents of inappropriate activity:
- https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/qyjgvd/5_georgia_officers_indicted_on_murder_charges_in/hlgivri/
- https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/r804fq/jury_awards_north_carolina_man_6m_after_ruling/
Rough Concept
- Level of Scrutiny
- In an ideal society, what level of scrutiny should citizens have over police?
- In an ideal society, what level of scrutiny should police have over citizens?
- If those two things are not in balance, why?
- Improvement of Scrutiny
- How do we improve the quality of scrutiny, in each case?
- Exposing Bad Acting by Scrutinizers
- There are bad scrutinizers; in each case, how do we expose and inhibit them?
- Improving Good Scrutiny
- In each case, there is good scrutiny; scrutiny which can create a path to improvement.
- How do we increase good scrutiny in each case?